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1. Find the arrow mark and open upwards.
2. Pull the lid backwards until it breaks off the metal casing.
3. Open the metal casing carefully and remove the soft cap.
 4. For the new blister packaging, just pull upwards and remove the seal.
If the lid did not come off correctly, use a sharp scissors or tool to remove the metal casing.
Please be careful with the metal casing and do not hurt yourself in the process.

Cleaning and Storing

1. Ensure your hands are clean and wiped dry.
2. Pour the solution out from the vial/blister onto your hands and collect the contact lens.
3. Wash and rinse the contact lens generously using multipurpose solution.
4. Add a few drops of multipurpose solution onto the contact lens and rub gently to clean the surface.
(You should repeat this step every time before you wear your contact lenses)
5. Place contact lenses in a clean lens case filled with multipurpose solution and store up to 6-8 hours before wearing.
6. Always change the multipurpose solution in the lens case after each use or once every week if not used.
7. When storing your contact lenses, kindly soak it fully in the multipurpose solution.
Wearing contact lenses directly from the vial/blister may irritate your eyes, please wash before use.
Be gentle when handling your contact lenses as you may damage your contact lenses with your nails.
Try to avoid using tissues to dry your hands as you may have micro fibers stuck onto your fingers and contact lenses, making your eyes uncomfortable.
Changing new/fresh multipurpose solution in your lens case hydrates your contact lenses, making them much more comfortable to wear.

Wearing and Removing

1. Ensure your hands are clean and wiped dry.
2. Place one contact lens onto the tip of your finger which you prefer.
3. Gently pull down your lower eyelid (can pull up your upper eyelid as well) with another finger/hand and insert the contact lens into your eye.
4. Remove your finger and slowly move your eye towards the contact lens without blinking.
5. After a while, the contact lens will center itself on your eye.
6. Apply makeup or facial products after that, but be cautious when applying around your eyes.
7. To remove your contact lenses, gently pull down your lower eyelid with your fingers.
8. Look up and drag your contact lenses down with a clean finger. (You can skip this step)
9. Gently pinch your contact lenses without touching your eye (if possible) and remove your contact lenses.
Try to avoid using tissues to dry your hands as you may have micro fibers stuck onto your fingers and contact lenses, making your eyes uncomfortable.
You may feel uncomfortable if your fingers/contact lenses are not clean enough.
If you blink too soon in Step 4, your contact lenses may fall out.
You may have trouble wearing if your finger is wet, as the contact lens will stick onto your finger instead of your eye.
While removing your contact lenses, please be gentle and avoid using your fingernails as you may damage your contact lenses.

Right and Wrong Sides

1. Your contact lenses must be in perfect curve like a bowl when placed on the tip of your finger.
2. If the top curves outwards, your contact lenses are at the wrong side.
3. To correct the sides, just flip it outwards gently with clean fingers so that it curves like a bowl again.
4. Generally, the darker/saturated color side of the contact lenses should not be in contact with your eyes when worn.
If you have worn your contact lenses inside out, your contact lenses will tend to shift around when you blink.
You will feel slight discomfort if you wear your contact lenses inside out.
After flipping to the correct side, remember to wash your contact lenses again before wearing them.

DO's and DON'Ts

DO keep your hands, contact lenses, lens case and other tools clean. [Hygiene]
DO discard your contact lenses best within 3 months as recommended by eye specialists. [Hygiene]
DO change and discard any used lens cases every 3 months if possible. [Hygiene]
DO change the multipurpose solution in your lens case every week if kept and not worn. [Hygiene + Comfort]
DO be gentle when handling your contact lenses and avoid having long fingernails. [Risk]
DO rub and clean your contact lenses regularly to remove protein deposit or foreign particles. [Hygiene + Comfort]
DO ensure your eyes and contact lenses are well hydrated to prevent eye discomfort. [Comfort]
DO wear/remove your contact lenses before putting/removing your makeup. [Risk]
DO check if you are allergic to any of the content of the products before you use. [Risk]
DO consult a doctor immediately if you continue to feel discomfort after using a certain product on your eye. [Risk]
DON'T wear or reuse expired contact lenses no matter the reason. [Damage Eye]
DON'T wear the contact lenses directly from the packaging without rinsing. [Irritate Eye]
DON'T wear your contact lenses for more than 8 hours a day if possible. [Damage Eye]
DON'T wear your contact lenses overnight or while taking a nap. [Damage Eye]
DON'T continue to wear your contact lenses if your eyes have started to feel dry or irritated. [Damage Eye]
DON'T go near hot places like sauna and fireplace with your contact lenses on. [Damage Eye]
DON'T swim or shower with your contact lenses on. [Eye Infection]
DON'T swap or exchange contact lenses with another person no matter the reason. [Eye Infection]
DON'T change or adjust your eye prescription without consulting an eye specialist. [Damage Eye]
DON'T wash your contact lenses with tap water or other liquid except multipurpose solution. [Eye Infection]


(A) Watch and Learn:
  • Still not sure how to wear your contact lenses? Watch this video HERE
  • For sclera contact lenses, insert them upwards first. Learn more by watching this awesome video HERE
(B) Solving Dry Eyes:
  • Highly recommend Alcon OPTI-FREE® Puremoist® contact lens solution from Alcon OPTI-FREE® brand.
  • Try contact lenses with around 38% water content as they tend to dry out slower.
  • Avoid high water content contact lenses as they tend to take the moisture from your eyes faster.
  • Try contact lenses which are made from silicone hydrogel as they tend to be more breathable.
  • Preservative-free eye drops are also good for immediate eye relief, but do follow the recommended usage.
(C) Prescription Terms:
  1. OD: Short for Latin phrase oculus dexter, meaning “right eye” or RE
  2. OS: Short for Latin phrase oculus sinister, meaning “left eye” or LE
  3. OU: Short for Latin phrase ocular uniter, meaning "both eyes"
  4. SPH: Stands for "sphere", indicates the amount of lens power for near/farsightedness
  5. D: Stands for "diopter", a unit of measurement for optical correction
  6. Myopia (-): Nearsightedness; unable to see far objects clear
  7. Hyperopia (+): Farsightedness; unable to see near objects clear
  8. CYL: Stands for "cylinder", the amount of lens power for astigmatism
  9. Axis: Describes the orientation of your astigmatism (0-180 degree)
  10. DIA: Stands for "diameter" of the contact lens (size)
  11. BC: Stands for "base curve" of the contact lens which fits your eyes
  12. Water Content: The amount of water needed for the contact lens to take shape
  • For your convenience, you may also get a valid eye prescription via online HERE


  • MOMOKO LENS does not represent your eye specialist/doctor.
  • MOMOKO LENS does not own the videos in the links above, which may suddenly be unavailable.
  • MOMOKO LENS is not in any partnership/collaboration with Alcon OPTI-FREE® or Visibly.

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